Name Kristina
Location New York City
Goal Get down to the 63kg weigh class without losing strength
Weight lost/gained to date: Loss of ~20lbs
Sport (if applicable) Olympic Weightlifting

Q: Why did you decide to join Team WAG?

A: I decided to join WAG right after I started Olympic weightlifting. I wanted to compete in a lighter weight class but was hesitant to drop weight on my own. I had spent years prior doing that for boxing and was always left feeling lethargic and with a messed up metabolism that caused my weight to rebound in the first place. My original goal was to get down to the 63kg weight class, but I managed to comfortably get down to the 58kg weight class.

Q: Was there anything about the program that surprised you?

A: A lot surprised me. Overall the biggest surprise was seeing how wrong I had gone about losing weight in the past. The extreme restriction of calories I had employed before to make weight was drastically different than the gradual approach that my coach took. I was also surprised by how much I learned about what types of foods best fuel my body and activities--my approach definitely wasn’t optimal before. Additionally, it was really reassuring to see how responsive and attentive my coach was throughout the entire process.

Q: How have you managed to stay on track while balancing all of your work and social commitments?

A: I’ve learned over the process to not overcomplicate tracking macros. In the beginning, I was all about finding ways to fit in “fun” foods that I would have never eaten before WAG. This became tiring really quickly and I now keep a pretty constant rotation of meals that I know I like and that fit my macros each day. In the event of an occasion or something that I’m really craving, I can easily make adjustments. In day-to-day life though, having go-to meal ideas already in mind helps to balance all other aspects of life, as I am not constantly thinking, “What fits my macros?”

Q: How has your performance in the gym been affected by tracking, if at all?

A: I have continued to make progress in the gym and all of my numbers have increased throughout the process. There were maybe two weeks during my cut where I remember feeling slightly more tired during training, but this did not hinder progress and passed quickly. Overall, I have felt very well fueled throughout workouts thanks to meal timing suggestions from my coach. I have also found that my coach is very attentive to any training goals I may have and that this is reflected in the numbers she prescribes.

Q: What has been the biggest change you've made in your lifestyle since joining?

A: My mindset about food has completely changed. I’ve learned to not villainize certain foods or macronutrients and am able to enjoy anything I want in moderation. I’ve found that since this shift in perception, most of the time I will actually crave nutrient dense, unprocessed foods that I would have eaten before. However, in addition to these foods making up the bulk of my diet, I do eat dessert every night and never feel guilty about it.

Q: What advice do you have for other people considering hiring a nutrition coach?

A: As with anything, changing habits has a definite learning curve and takes a lot of work. However, once you figure out how to make tracking macros fit your lifestyle, it becomes much easier and it is absolutely worth the work. For example, some people like to meal prep entire meals in advance. I’ve found through trial and error that this doesn’t work for me and have now figured out my own system of how I prepare and mix and match foods throughout the week. Stick with the process and you will be amazed with the results!