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May #WAGgoal: Meditate

Finding time to stop, breathe and collect our thoughts can seem like a challenging task in our busy, everyday lives. However, finding ways to add calmness during a day of chaos is a vital tool for our long-term health and happiness.

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How to REALLY Relax on Vacation

Taking a vacation can be one of the most exciting events on your calendar. However, the excitement can quickly turn into anxiety when you start thinking about how to manage your nutrition and training during your trip.

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Holiday Guide to Giving Presence

It is only natural that we quickly find ourselves exhausted from trying to do so much for the people around us that we forget the most important thing: spending real, quality time with the people we love.

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The Power of Appreciation

Two, four, six eight, who do you appreciate!? It’s easy for us to know how much we appreciate others, but how often are we really sitting down and taking the time to pause, reflect and feel the significance of what our loved ones are doing for us.

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Changing Your Game: Mental Toughness

One of the best ways of knowing how mentally tough you are is assessing how you react to difficult situations. It takes some serious mental toughness to be able to handle pain, suffering and discomfort in a logical and rational way.

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Mindfulness in Our Everyday

With work and school days getting longer, and the everyday pace of society getting faster, stress and anxiety levels are on a rapid incline. This consequently has a dramatic impact on our overall health, mood, energy and happiness.

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Meditation Made Easy

In recent years the benefits of exercise and nutrition have become common knowledge and are widely accepted as truth. It’s only a matter of time before the positive impacts of meditation sit alongside them as a staple for a balanced lifestyle.

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Overcoming Perfectionism

When you’re an incredibly driven person, small mistakes and setbacks can easily be blown way out of proportion in your mind and feel catastrophic.

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Talking Mindfulness with Sal Scifo

As part of the Working Against Gravity program, we encourage our clients to complete a weekly mindfulness exercise to ensure we are approaching our fitness and nutrition plans from a place of love.