
Enjoy Working Against Gravity's easy, healthy recipes to help you reach your body composition and performance goals while keeping food delicious.

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Spinach & Feta Egg White Wraps

Protein: 28g | Carbs: 30g | Fat: 13g
Calories: 349

If you frequent Starbucks, you’re probably familiar with their spinach and feta egg white wrap. We wanted to make our own version, so here it is, packed with even more protein than the original!

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Spinach & Artichoke Hummus

Protein: 4g | Carbs: 8g | Fat: 2g
Calories: 66

If garlicky spinach and artichoke dip and hummus had a baby, this would be the delicious result. Spread it on crackers, roll it up in a wrap or slather it on top of chicken breasts.

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Spinach Artichoke Dip

Protein: 15g | Carbs: 13g | Fat: 0g
Calories: 112

The best thing about this macro-friendly spinach and artichoke dip is you can adjust it to be low-fat, higher fat or non-fat to easily satisfy your macros!

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Vegan Spinach & Edamame Gomae

Protein: 10g | Carbs: 14g | Fat: 8g
Calories: 168

In this Japanese-inspired dish, we paired spinach with protein-packed edamame and a creamy tahini dressing for a high-protein (and vegan!) dish that is so satisfying it can stand alone as an entire meal.